regression analysis

How do I use Statistical Models to Forecast Sales?

2021-08-20T11:14:33-04:00Categories: Forecasting Education|Tags: , , , , , |

There’s no question that judgment can (and probably should!) play a significant role in arriving at your final, consensus forecast–but statistical forecasting can offer a level of automation and insight that can substantially improve your forecast accuracy.

Creating Accurate Forecasts When Your Demand History Includes Outliers

2021-08-23T17:34:39-04:00Categories: Forecasting Education|Tags: , , , |

Preparing forecasts using data that contain one or more unusually large or small demand periods can be challenging. Depending on your forecasting approach, these “outliers” can have a significant impact on your forecasts. This article surveys three different approaches to forecasting data containing unusual demand periods, discusses the pros and cons of each and recommends [...]

The Ins and Outs of Using Dynamic Regression Models for Forecasting

2021-09-22T10:04:25-04:00Categories: Forecasting Education|Tags: , |

The recording of our recent educational one-hour Webinar is now available for viewing on-demand   This session demystifies regression modeling, demonstrating how these models can provide insight into your data and why they often yield more accurate results than alternative forecasting methods. Learn: When to apply regression models How to build and diagnose the models [...]

Terms Every Forecaster Should Know

2021-08-23T17:11:01-04:00Categories: Forecasting Education|Tags: , , , , , |

Forecasting is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that involves a multitude of people, processes and techniques. Forecasters are constantly building on their current pool of knowledge in order to improve their processes, drawing on whatever resources they can find. A forecaster’s best resource, however, is often other forecasters—but it can be difficult to share information [...]

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